Postknight 2 Beginner’s Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Rank Up and Complete Delivery Quests - Level Winner (2024)

Welcome to Kurestal, Postknight!

As a Postknight, you’ll be in charge of delivering items and completing various quests from civilians. While traveling, you’ll meet a large variety of interesting people and see some sights, and hopefully you’ll be able to make our world safer and happier.

Postknight 2 is available on both the Google Play Store and the App Store. For Postknight squires looking to earn their spurs as quickly as possible, we’ve compiled this beginner’s guide to help you score enough points to reach your first promotion! So without further ado, let’s get started!

Mastering Combat

The roads are littered with wild animals, monsters, and general ne’er-do-wells. It’s up to you to make sure the mail arrives on time. To do that, you’ll need to learn to defend yourself!

Combat in Postknight 2 is almost fully automated. If you’ve played something like Battle Cats, then you’ll be familiar with it. Your Postknight walks down the lane automatically, engaging enemies that get in their way. Each time things make contact, they hit each other. When damage is taken, units are knocked back. Learning to overcome this knockback and push forward is key to success in Postknights 2.

To help you defeat your foes, there are three actions you can take in combat. They are Attack, Defend, and Potion. You can use these abilities any time they’re off cooldown, but not if you’re in the knockback animation from getting attacked.

The Attack Command

The first button, by default a sword, is your Attack command. Tapping this will use your attack skill (as long as it’s off cooldown). By default, it’s set to Charge, a skill that pushes your Postknight forward, damaging foes in the way. Charge is useful by itself, but take note that you will still take damage from enemies you ram!

The Defend Command

The second, middle button is the Defend command. By default, it will put your shield up, reducing the damage you take and deal and massively reducing the knockback you take. While you can use this against melee enemies, it’s best to use this to deal with annoying ranged enemies that will gleefully snipe you from out of range.

The Potion Command

The third button is your Potion. As you might expect, it makes your Postknight drink whatever potion you have equipped, gaining its effects. You’ll be happy to know that these potions aren’t one-time use. Instead, you can drink your potion whenever it’s off its rather long cooldown.


Your skills can be upgraded as you progress through Postknight 2. This is done via the use of skillbooks. Learned skills will augment your existing ones; for example, one of the first skills you’ll get is Double Charge, which upgrades your charge, letting you make a second charge if the first one hits an enemy. If you want a preview of your skill upgrades, tap their icons in the Skill menu.

As you gain levels, you’ll unlock passive modifiers for your skills. These further enhance your abilities and let you pick the tools you need for the jobs you’ll take.


Sometimes, you’ll simply be outmatched by your enemies through their higher numbers. In that case, you’ll need to increase your strength to beat your enemies.

Each time your Postknight levels up, you’ll gain some stat points that you can freely distribute among the game’s four stats. Strength increases your attack damage and critical hit damage. Agility affects your chance to dodge and critical hit rate. Intelligence increases your incoming heal bonus and reduces the magic damage you take. Vitality ups the size of your health pool and gives you physical damage reduction. To see what benefits each stat gives you at its current level, you can tap and hold on that stat’s panel.

While you start with only 3 stat points per level, this income increases as you get stronger and hit higher levels. However, the more of a stat you have, the more expensive each point becomes. If you decide you don’t like your build, you can use a Stat Reset Ticket to drop all your stats back to 1 and refund all the points you’ve invested.

Familiarize Yourself With Towns

You’ll be spending a lot of time in towns, whether that’s to rest, to take quests, or just to chat up your favorite characters. Each town has a lot to offer, whether it’s new tasks, new gear, or new helpful NPCs.

To move around town, tap and slide to either the left or right side of the screen. The farther you drag, the faster your Postknight will move. Tapping the icon with the scroll and the sword will start your next story quest. There’s no confirmation if you hit the button, so be careful.

On the lower part of the screen is your own info panel. Here, you can see your Postknight’s rank and medal, their current level and HP, and name. Below that are five buttons. Status, the sword and shield, brings up your equipment and current stats.

The Skills menu is behind the sword and book, where you can change your skill loadout. The brown sack full of stuff is your Inventory. The scales are the Cash Shop, where you can buy stuff with real money, Crystal Gems, or time (via ads). Last is the Activities menu, which we’ll cover later.

The blue button on the upper left opens the Quick Access menu, which opens a bunch of shortcuts and info panels.

Profile brings up your Postknight’s stats, achievements, and rank. Inbox is for system-generated messages and for claiming rewards. Bonds shows your social levels with Postknight 2’s various NPCs. It also adds a neat little blurb about each, and a reminder of what they like and hate. Once you clear their character events, you can also review them here.

Fashion lets you equip cosmetic sets for town and combat scenarios. These will replace the looks of your gear, but not its stats. You can get cosmetic items in a lot of ways – for starters, you can buy Postknight uniforms from Colin at the Postknight HQ.

Support lets you contact the developers for support, bug reports, or feedback. Community opens links to Postknight 2’s various channels – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Discord, and so on. Settings lets you tweak the game’s settings, including a left-handed or right-handed mode. Credits shows the names of those that made the game. As a special thank-you for those who go through it, viewing the credits is a hidden achievement in the Achievement Journal.

Both the Armoury and the Jewelry Box can be accessed here. The Armoury lets you view and equip gear you’ve found in your journey. The Jewelry Box does likewise, but it’s for amulets, charms, rings, and other trinkets.


Blacksmiths can improve your equipment, increasing the stats you get from it. With proper upgrades, you can get a lot more mileage out of basic equipment sets.

Each piece of gear requires gold and raw materials to be upgraded. These materials drop from enemies you do battle with, and can also be found in chests at the end of levels. To upgrade an item, look for it on the screen – items are sorted by sets, so find which set it belongs to. Tap the item, then swipe down and tap the upgrade button. If you have enough resources, they’ll be consumed and your item will be upgraded. Items have an additional bonus when fully upgraded.

Fully upgrading an item requires 5 rounds of upgrading, after which a Perk Bonus will be unlocked. These Perk Bonuses can be quite powerful, so it might be better to focus your upgrades on one piece of gear at a time.

The blacksmith is also where you go to equip gear you buy or acquire otherwise. If you bought a new sword only to see that it vanished in your inventory, don’t panic. Go to the blacksmith, look for the equipment set, then equip it from there. Alternately, you can open the Armoury via the profile button on the upper left, while in town.

Completing and wearing a set of items nets you a passive bonus. It’s up to you to decide if the set bonus is worth pursuing, or if the raw stats from whatever you have at hand are better. To see the raw stats and bonus a particular set will give you, tap on the eye icon to the upper right of the set’s name at the blacksmith.

As you progress through the game, you’ll unlock better armor of higher tiers. To swap the tier of armors displayed on the screen, tap on the equals icon on the right side, then select which town’s armors you want to view or upgrade.


At Alchemists, you can upgrade your potion via Infusion. Infusing a potion gives it new effects, making each use that much more effective.

There are three trees you can upgrade – the amount of health each use restores, the cooldown of the potion, and how strong the physical defense buff you get after chugging is.

To infuse your potion, you’ll need to use herbs you find in your travels. These drop from monsters and from clearing levels. Herbs have rarities of their own. White, common herbs give the least amount of potency to your brew, while rarer herbs fill more of an ability’s upgrade exp. Any herb can be used to fill up any upgrade tree. However, some herbs are better than others at improving certain abilities.

First, tap on which upgrade you’d like to do. After that, tap the panel below – it’ll have plus icon if it’s empty – and select which herb you’d like to use. Arrows on the upper right of each herb’s info panel show you how well they’re suited for the upgrade you’re doing. When you’re happy with your choice, tap the Infuse button, or tap and hold it for continuous infusion.

Potions become stronger after achieving certain ranks in all three trees, so ration your herbs!


Postknight 2’s merchants don’t sell you gear as much as they barter for it. These entrepreneurs stock gear and raw materials, which they’ll part with for gold and other trinkets.

Shops have special gear for sale at the top of their menu, and their regular stock below. There’s also a timer at the stop of screen which indicates when the merchant will reroll their stock of items. You can skip this waiting time by using a refresh ticket or by watching an ad. You can only watch ads once every 4 hours, so be sure to make your rerolls count.


At inns – which are really more of roadside stands – you can buy food that will both heal you and give you buffs for an edge over whatever foes you might face.

Food has a fullness stat, which shows how long its effects last. Once you eat food, a timer will appear in the upper right of the screen to let you know how much time you have left on your buffs. You can also buy and eat instant consumables, like Granola Muffins or Barley Water to instantly heal your HP, but be warned that this will replace your current food buff!

Just like merchants, you can use a refresh ticket or watch an ad to skip the line and instantly restock the shop. Ads are tied to their respective shops, so you can watch ads at every store. To use the dishes you bought, go to your inventory and use them from there.

Rare Stuff

As you progress through your Postknight training, you’ll eventually unlock the Rare Ware trader. This eccentric person sells high-quality items and skillbooks, as well as other rare oddities. The catch? His items are expensive, with some costing Crystal Gems instead of gold.

Unlike other merchants, you can’t forcibly restock the Rare Wares store, even if you pay with real money. You’ll have to wait a week for him to change his wares.

Cash Shop

Surprised? The Cash Shop has some neat freebies if you’re willing to spend some time to watch an ad. You can get 5 refresh tickets per day, which is great if you’re itching to reroll shop stock. There’s also a once-a-day Special Chest that gives gold, materials, and Crystal Gems. This way, you’ll be able to slowly but surely earn currency for Rare Ware accessories or cosmetics!

Cultivating NPC Relationships

NPCs aren’t just there to sell you stuff and give you quests. You can build relationships with characters in towns by chatting with them and giving them gifts.

If a heart meter appears, that NPC’s friendship levels can be improved. By talking to them, you can get a rough idea of what gifts they might like. At the same time, they’ll give you gifts too. The more they like you, the nicer the stuff you can get. After you get a gift from them, they’ll go into cooldown. If they like you enough, you’ll trigger special events from them that you can review in the Bonds section of the Quick Access menu.

Travel To Other Places

Initially, you’ll only have two places to go to – Maille and the Postknight Headquarters. Be sure to visit them all to see what new options are open to you at each junction. Naturally, each area provides not only more challenging quests, but also better gear and new people to meet.

A-Questing You Must Go!

Towns are well and good, but you’ll need to leave the safety of the city streets if you want to become stronger. After all, a knight with polished armor has never been in battle. Aside from the main quest, there are other ways to get exp.


Patrols are free battles that you can enter via signposts in town. Tap the signpost, then select Patrol to see what areas are available to you. You can freely grind in these areas if you need raw materials, gold, and experience. The more often you grind an area though, the less monsters will show up. You need to give these areas time to refresh their stock of beasties – approximately 2 hours of downtime.

Postknight Quests

Postknight quests are very important, as they’re one of the few sources of invaluable Postknight Tokens. These tokens are required to raise your rank and unlock new content.

Postknight Quests are taken from the fancy mailbox in towns. Postknight Quests have a cooldown timer, so you can’t just spam them to jump ranks. Therefore, it’s important to always clear all available Postknight Quests whenever they’re off cooldown. Aside from tokens, these quests give some money and raw materials. And hey – they’re what you signed up for when you joined the Postknights!

The Postknight Handbook

Postknight 2 marks your progress through the Postknight ranks via the Postknight Handbook. You’ll get your very own handbook after clearing stage 1-14. Make sure to tap on the completion stamps to claim your rewards! To access the Postknight Handbook, tap on the Activities icon in town.

Promotion to the next rank also requires clearing all the quests in the handbook, then taking a final exam. For reference, you can’t complete all the Rank B promotion quests without going into Pompon to find a heavy weapon, so don’t fret. You can turn in Postknight Tokens through the top of the screen, just like at the mailbox.

The Achievement Journal

Apart from the Postknight Handbook, there’s also the Achievement Journal. This one serves to highlight and award you for achieving certain goals, like friendship levels and mastery in combat. Be sure to check in often and claim your Crystal Gems! You can open the Achievement Journal via the Activities menu in town.

Request List

Sometimes, you’ll get personal quests from NPCs. These involve running around and completing various tasks for a prize at the end. These can even unlock new items at shops, such as the first quest you get. To view your list of Requests, check your Activities menu.

Wishboard Quests

Postknight 2 has daily quests through its Wishboard feature. Daily quests by residents of each town will be posted here. In these quest, you give them some of your raw materials, and in return, you get gold and maybe even Crystal Gems. To take on these tasks, find a signboard in town, then tap it.

Off-duty Schedule

When you’re not playing or if you’re off somewhere else, your Postknight can passively improve themselves via the Off-duty Schedule. There are 3 types of activities: Working, which generates gold, Exploring, which nets you resources, and Training, which builds experience.

While these are convenient, keep in mind that this can only hold so many resources – you’ll need to check back every 4 hours to make the most out of this. You can assign which off-duty activity you want to do via the Activity menu when you’re in town.

Go Forth And Deliver The Mail

That’s the end of our beginner’s guide for Postknight 2. The world of Kurestal is vast and wide, and a Postknight’s job is never truly done. If you have any tips or tricks you’d like to share, or if you have any knowledge you wish you knew when you started the game, let us know in the comment section below!

Postknight 2 Beginner’s Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Rank Up and Complete Delivery Quests - Level Winner (2024)
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