“Thank You for Subscribing” Email Inspiration (with Templates) (2024)

Of all emails you’ll ever send to your subscribers, thefirst one is crucial. That’s theemail where you thank them forsubscribing to your newsletter.

So how do you make it memorable?

In search of inspiration, I’ve subscribed to 30 different ecommerce brands’ newsletters andsneak-peeked at their welcome emails.

Below, I’ll share 9 of my favorite email examples, explain why they work well, andprovide a couple of templates you can steal.

What should I write in a “Thank you forsubscribing” email?

If you’ve ever experienced theblank page paralysis trying to craft an email – any email – you’re not alone. Thegood news about welcome emails is that most of them fall into one of these 3 categories:

  1. Thank you forsubscribing – here is your coupon
  2. Thank you forsubscribing – shop our bestsellers
  3. Thank you forsubscribing – here is who we are

Sometimes it’s a short discount delivery email; other times, it’s a long-form email that has it all: a welcome coupon, a product showcase, anda brand story.

Thekey goal of any welcome email, however, is to bring your new subscriber back to thestore.

Let’s see exactly how other brands are doing it.

“Thank you forsubscribing” subject lines

Before diving into theemail content, let’s have a quick look at thesubject lines andemail previews companies use to welcome new subscribers.

Here are a few examples from my inbox:

As a newcomer to someone’s inbox, you want to make two things clear: who theemail is from andwhy it’s worth opening. Therest is optional. Forexample, you can use your subscriber’s first name andinsert relevant emoji in thesubject or preheader.

Got ideas brewing already? You can start by grabbing any of these examples:

  1. Welcome to {Brand name}! – Shipping of your first order is on us
  2. Your discount is here – Use 15% off your first order
  3. It’s nice to meet you, {First name} – Find out what makes us different
  4. Your 15% code is inside – Hurry up, your welcome offer is valid fora week
  5. Welcome to theclub, {First name} – Thank you forsubscribing! Here is what happens next

9 Examples of “thank you forsubscribing” emails we love

Now that we got thesubject line out of theway, it’s time to dive deeper into theemail content.

1. “Your discount is here”

Since most ecommerce companies grow their email lists using discount incentives, their welcome emails are crafted around discount delivery.

Let’s see a couple of examples.

Bandolier, a luxury bag andiPhone case brand, delivers a short, straight-to-the-point welcome email featuring a 10% discount code:

My favorite part about this email is theheadline saying “You’re now a Bandolier insider” because it makes me feel as if I’ve joined a VIP club. However, that’s not theonly reason why it’s a good email to learn from.

Here is what else is great about it:

  • Eye-catching image – so I can remember what Bandolier is selling
  • Clear call to action – inviting me to go back to thestore anduse my coupon
  • Social media accounts – so I can connect with thebrand andsee real customers wearing theproducts

Adidas welcomes new subscribers to their newsletter using a similar approach. However, unlike Bandolier, Adidas encourages subscribers to act fast by adding thedate when theoffer becomes invalid. That’s thesense of urgency in action:

💡 To make thesense of urgency even more apparent, we recommend adding a countdown timer to theemail.

If you also need to craft a brief welcome discount email, feel free to use these templates andtailor them to your needs 👇


We’re thrilled to have you here, {{name}}

As a thank you forjoining us, here is your 15% discount code:


[Visit store now]

You can apply this coupon to any order amount. Just copy thecode to theclipboard andpaste it at checkout.

Come back soon! It's a pleasure shopping with you.

{{Brand name}} team

You’ve received this email because you signed up fora {{Brand name}} newsletter

Here is a more concise version of an email, however, it evokes a sense of urgency:

You’ve unlocked a welcome offer, {{Name}}

We’ll now keep you posted about new collections, sales, andpromos.

Next time you visit our store, use your personal discount code to get 15% off your purchase.


[Visit store]

Hurry up! Thepromo expires in 14 days.

{{Brand name}} team

You’ve received this email because you signed up fora {{Brand name}} newsletter

These templates will work well if you’re using welcome popups offering thefirst-purchase discount in exchange foran email, such as this pop-up form by Getsitecontrol:

Wondering what else you can include in a welcome email, except fora discount code? Keep reading to see 6 more ideas.

2. “Peek at our bestsellers”

Suppose you aren’t offering a discount in exchange foran email. How do you pique theinterest of new subscribers then?

One way to do that is by showcasing some of your best items.

Mejuri is an excellent example of a jewelry brand benefiting from email marketing. In their welcome email, they introduce their vision andfeature some of themost beautiful pieces:

Besides thefact that these visuals are absolute thumb-stoppers foranyone mildly interested in jewelry, theimages are also clickable, so theshopping experience starts right in theinbox.

Here is what else you can learn from this brand:

  • Bold copy – Mejury isn’t afraid of saying things like “gift your damn self” andusing their own tone of voice, making themessage more memorable
  • Quick links at thebottom – featuring themost popular product categories to entice you to explore further

True Classic, a men’s apparel brand uses a similar approach. However, instead of a gallery, they use a GIF to showcase their most popular T-shirt collection:

“Thank You for Subscribing” Email Inspiration (with Templates) (5)

Sidenote: GIFs are an excellent solution to promote bestsellers, show product features, or even evoke theright emotion in your subscribers. Don’t be afraid of using GIFs instead of still images in your emails andsee if you notice engagement spikes.

3. “Be thefirst to see thenew collection”

Bestsellers aren’t theonly category worth featuring in a welcome email. You can also talk about theseasonal collection, holiday collection, products on sale, or new arrivals.

Forinstance, Gymshark, a training apparel company, thanked me forsubscribing to their newsletter andinvited me to explore their latest drops right away:

Gymshark does a lot of things well in this email. One of my favorite parts is theway they make you feel special by offering sneak peeks at thenew drops andan “inside” look at thesales.

Here is what else is great about this email:

  • Free shipping reminder at thetop – removes one of themost common buyer’s concerns (unexpected shipping costs)
  • Sense of urgency – encourages to act fast because thecode is valid fora limited time
  • Scarcity – motivates to check thesale because it “doesn’t happen so often”

4. “Learn what makes thebrand stand out”

Your welcome email is also a great place to share your brand’s unique value proposition (UVP) andshow what makes you different.

Everlane, an online clothing store, does an amazing job at explaining how its core values – exceptional quality, ethical production, andtransparency – are reflected in thebrand, andwhat it means to customers.

Here are 3 things in their welcome email you may want to replicate:

  • Thebrand’s vision – shows you that Everlane is not just another fashion brand
  • Clickable sections – feature themost popular product categories
  • Color theme – makes theemail visually appealing (notice that all visuals are in similar cool tones)

On our blog, we often use Everlane as an example: if you’re growing an online store, there’s a lot to learn from this brand. Forinstance, we recently featured Everlane’s mobile popups because of thecustomer-centered strategy they use to convert their mobile visitors. You can read more about it in this piece.

5. “Get to know thestory behind thebrand”

Instead of focusing on thecore values, you may want to go theextra mile andshare thestory behind your brand, talk about theteam or thefounder. While it’s not themost common approach, it helps create a deeper level of connection with subscribers.

Here is an example of how Lete, a nature-inspired lifestyle brand from New Zealand thanks new email subscribers forjoining thenewsletter:

Notice that before getting to thebrand story, Lete delivers thefirst-purchase discount andcreates a sense of urgency by explaining that it’s only valid fora week. Next, they set expectations andexplain what their newsletter is about.

From there, this email does it all:

  • Showcases theproduct
  • Shares their choice of charity
  • Andtells thestory from thefounders’ perspective

6. “See what other customers are saying”

Even if your brand is well-known, customer reviews, testimonials, andratings make an excellent addition to thewelcome email sequence. However, if your company is new, using social proof is crucial. No one wants to be thefirst customer of a new brand, andyou want to work with this objection on every step of thefunnel including your welcome sequence.

TheSill, a houseplant delivery andplant care brand, recognizes thepower of social proof – anduses it in their welcome email:

Here is what else is great about this email:

  • Brand’s mission – theemail opens with the“Plants Make People Happy” motto, andsegues into therole of TheSill
  • List of resources – acknowledging that caring forplants might be a new activity forsome, TheSill links to thebeginner-friendly resources

7. “Welcome to theclub”

If you prefer to keep your welcome email concise, you can just show your appreciation andtell subscribers what happens next. Explain what they have signed up for, what types of emails they’ll be getting, andhow often.

Looks Like Summer (LLS), a fashion brand from Portugal, does exactly that. Their email welcomes new subscribers to “TheSun Lovers Family” andreminds them of thebiggest benefit of being on thelist – exclusive deals available to subscribers only:

A quick welcome note like this one will work well, regardless of theincentive andthe channel people use to join your newsletter. Andin thecase of LLS, images speak better than words.

Here is what else we love about this email:

  • Free shipping notification – LLS ships all orders forfree worldwide, it’s thetype of information worth mentioning at thetop of theemail
  • Product showcase – Instagram-grid style collage helps feature bestsellers in a natural, unobtrusive way
  • Links to popular categories – theemail ends with clickable blocks leading to theproduct categories

Time to craft (or revise) your welcome email

Out of the30 brands I’ve subscribed to, several companies haven’t sent me any confirmation email. I hold no grudge, but it’s a lost opportunity.

Even if you haven’t crafted your perfect welcome sequence, you can always send a quick note saying “Thank you forsubscribing to our newsletter. Stay tuned to hear about our new collection.” After all, when someone grants you access to their inbox, it’s polite to show your appreciation.

At Getsitecontrol, we know how challenging writing an email from scratch can be, so we’ve implemented a system of templates. Forexample, if you’re using Getsitecontrol popups to collect emails, you’ll find several premade welcome emails already built into theplatform:

All you need to do is select a premade email from thegallery, replace thevisual, adjust thecopy, andschedule thedelivery. Theentire process – from creating an email subscription popup to finishing your welcome email design – will take less than 30 minutes.

Go ahead andgive it a try!

“Thank You for Subscribing” Email Inspiration (with Templates) (2024)


How do you say thank you in an email professionally template? ›

Dear [Recipient's Name], I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the support you've provided. Your assistance has been invaluable to me during this time. Your expertise and timely responses have greatly contributed to the progress and success of our project.

How do you thank someone for subscribing? ›

Thank you for subscribing to {newsletter name}! If you need any tips on {subject}, visit our blog: {Link/call to action}. Reply to this email if you have any additional questions or proposals. We are always glad to help!

How do you express gratitude in a professional email? ›

Phrases like “I appreciate [insert reason]” and “I'm grateful for your [insert reason]” can come in handy when you've only had limited exchanges with the person you're emailing. Meanwhile, informal phrases like “you're a lifesaver” or “thanks a million” should only be used in less formal, more familiar relationships.

How do you respond to appreciation professionally? ›

Professional responses to compliments

Thank you for your recognition. I'm committed to delivering high-quality work and continuing to contribute to our success.” “I appreciate your words of encouragement. Our team's hard work and dedication make achievements like this possible.”

How do you acknowledge an appreciation message? ›

  1. “Thank you thats very kind of you.”
  2. “Thank you I appreciate the compliment”
  3. “We all put in a lot of effort; thank you for acknowledging our hard work”
  4. “Thank you very much this means a lot me, I'm humbled.”
  5. Receive every compliment with unassuming gratitude. ...
  6. “Thank you for recognizing my contribution to the team.
Oct 17, 2023

How to respond to a recognition email? ›

''Thank you for this email to appreciate my efforts. I'm happy to know our hard work has brought great results. ''I received your email with gratitude and want you to know that this was only possible because you trusted me enough to handle this project.

How to thank a client for an appreciation email? ›

Thanks for once again supporting us! We truly appreciate you choosing to be a loyal customer for [length of time]. [Your name] from [your business name] here, just saying thank you for putting your trust in us to [insert service, e.g., clean your house]. You are why we do what we do.

How do you say thank you to a manager for appreciation in an email? ›

Note: You can copy and paste these boss thank-you notes directly into your email draft.
  1. Hi [Boss's name], I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the support you've shown us during this last year. ...
  2. Hi [Boss's name], I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the support you've given me and the whole team.

What is a good sentence for subscription? ›

Examples of subscription in a Sentence

I'm going to renew my subscription. You won't find this magazine at newsstands. It's sold only by subscription.

What is a good sentence for subscribe? ›

I subscribe to several newspapers/magazines. : to agree with or support (an opinion, theory, etc.) I subscribe to the idea that voting is my civic duty. She subscribes to the theory that some dinosaurs were warm-blooded and others were cold-blooded.

How do you write a subscription message? ›

Avoid using generic phrases like “click here” or “subscribe now”; instead, be specific about what you want people to do (e.g., “Enter your email address to subscribe”). You may also want to include a sense of urgency in your call-to-action, for example: “Subscribe now and get 10% off your first purchase!”

How do you say thank you in unique ways? ›

12 alternative ways to say thank you so much
  1. 1 “You're the best” ...
  2. 2 “I owe you” ...
  3. 3 “Many thanks” ...
  4. 4 “My warmest thanks” ...
  5. 5 “I can't thank you enough” ...
  6. 6 “You're a lifesaver” ...
  7. 7 “Thank you kindly” ...
  8. 8 “Much obliged”
May 22, 2023

How do you express deep appreciation? ›

30 Heartfelt Ways to Say 'Appreciate You'
  1. You have my sincerest thanks. ...
  2. You have my heartfelt gratitude. ...
  3. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ...
  4. I am so grateful for all that you do. ...
  5. You are truly appreciated. ...
  6. I cannot thank you enough. ...
  7. Your kindness means the world to me. ...
  8. You make a world of difference.

What to say instead of thank you in email? ›

How to say thank you in English
Much obliged.To express gratititude.
I really appreciate your help.To express appreciation.
I value your support.A formal way to express appreciation.
Accept my endless gratitude.A very formal way to express gratitude.
32 more rows
Mar 28, 2022

How do you respond to an email when someone appreciates your work? ›

''Thank you for this email to appreciate my efforts. I'm happy to know our hard work has brought great results. ''I received your email with gratitude and want you to know that this was only possible because you trusted me enough to handle this project.

How do you respond to appreciation feedback? ›

Thank you for your email and for taking the time to send us your valuable feedback. We're glad you enjoyed our product, and we appreciate your response. We're extremely happy that you had a positive experience, and we're grateful for your feedback. Thank you, [Name], for taking the time to write to us!"

How to respond to a positive feedback email? ›

Examples of Positive Feedback Responses
  1. “Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience with us. ...
  2. “Your feedback made our day! ...
  3. “We're grateful for your kind words and happy to know [specific aspect] met your expectations. ...
  4. “It's heartwarming to receive such positive feedback.
Mar 6, 2024

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.